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Monday, April 11, 2016

Submission, hold.

The Southern California Garrison's OC Squad just hit their 76th member this past Saturday. For a few reasons, I'm hoping to be it's 77th member. Therefore, having addressed all the concerns I had with the armor upon my last fitting, I decided to take my own submission photos before it was too late. As I'm submitting for the Southern California Garrison, I used the steps outlined on their page here.

I'm hoping for Tier 2 EIB (Elite Infantry Battalion) with the armor as it currently is (the 501st CRL can be found here).  I've included some close-up here for further reader reference, for those things required for at least Tier 2. Unless otherwise noted, everything was supplied by and constructed per the instructions of ANOVOS.

* Rivets for the right knee ammo pouches. Rivet heads are painted white (not mentioned in ANOVOS instructions).

* Sniper knee follows counters of leg armor, no rivets present.

* Minimal gap between ab and kidney plates (NO gap required for Tier 3).

* In addition, left ab and kidney plates use three split rivets and bands to connect to each other; rivet heads are painted white (altered from ANOVOS instructions).
* Holster is affixed with two fasteners (the other fasteners have been covered to mimic the Stunt look).

* Shoulder straps have no rivets and are glued into place.
* White elastic shoulder straps with an elastic strap for the ABS shoulder straps (NOT required for Tier 2 but required for Tier 3) (NOT ANOVOS supplied or instructed).

* Rubber gloves (latex or rubber hand guards required for Tier 3).

No inside edges on the wrist ends of the forearm armor (NOT required for Tier 2 but required for Tier 3) (not ANOVOS instructed).

* Proper button color (required for all levels) and a belt with three rivet covers.

* Two male snaps in the posterior plate and one rivet in the ab plate cod piece.

* The thermal detonator's clips must be touching or very close to the cap ends.

Obviously there were other things I did to the kit outside of the scope of the ANOVOS instructions, but these were the most important for Tier 2 EIB.

Looking at Centurion specs, I'd have to make the following adjustments to the armor to be certified:

  • Eliminate the gap between the ab and kidney plates, through either getting in better shape or shimming the kidney plate (and re-doing the rivets) (Cost of new rivets + my labor in shimming, ABS paste, sanding, polishing, etc.)
  • Replace the hand guards with rubber or latex versions, cemented to the gloves ($35 - $40).
  • Replace the belt with a better 3rd party belt, like a Kittle belt or similar ($40 + my labor in transferring the ANOVOS belt hardware to the new belt; non-trivial due to eh rivets and glue used on the ammo pouches).
  • (Optional) re-do the rivets on the ab and kidney plates for better vertical placement (Cost of new rivets + my labor in shimming, ABS paste, sanding, polishing, etc.).

For reference, the helmet as-is from ANOVOS is fit for Level 3 Centurion certification (the flaws are screen accurate), although some garrison GMLs (but not all) are requiring the frown to be re-painted to remove over spray and to taper and extend it the frown,  andz/ or that the Hovi mic tips to be replaced.

I'm on hold with any building until I get approval or suggested fixes. Until then...

UPDATE: being new to the process, I've been informed that the GML will grant basic approval if the costume passes muster; thereafter, EIB or Centurion approval goes through whitearmor.net. I'll start this process once I get approved.

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